Sunday 13 March 2011


Oh dear!!! I have just quit my job, and am trying to be brave! EEEK!

So this is me for the next few months starting my blog, hoping that people will like my crazy wee creations, with no job, but bucket loads of time to spend in my shed aka the workshop (which is literally a 6x4 green shed with lots of fabulous tools oh and amazing blackboard wall!! Love that wall!). That and I have a couple of shows to apply for and plan (I am thinking about that pop up shop too, I might have to do my first solo show there woooooohoooo) So should get on with it really... wow I am now in charge of myself, I'm my own boss, thats going to go well ;)... thing is I like sparkly stuff so naturally I get distracted very easily... the impregnable fault of a jeweller... oh dear